The State of SaaS Pricing Strategy– Statistics and Trends

Lisa Ross

Lisa Ross

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Did you know that 98% of SaaS businesses earned positive results from making core changes to their pricing policy. Choosing the correct pricing strategy is very important for the success of SaaS business.  Check out our infographic “The State of SaaS pricing strategy” for latest SaaS pricing Statistics and trends

The State of SaaS Pricing – Statistics and Trends

Infographic by- Invesp Conversion Rate Optimization Company

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39% of SaaS companies take a value-based approach when deciding pricing whereas 38% of SaaS companies charge based on usage. 50% of SaaS companies charge based on user base pricing

84% of companies organized packages price low to high whereas 9% organized packages high to low on pricing pages

54% of companies are offering annual pricing plans whereas only 39% of SaaS Companies have pricing publicly available

The average SaaS company spends just 6 hours determining their pricing strategy.

The average number of packages is 3.5

Average Number of Pricing plans/ packages offered


Number of Pricing Plans offered %age of SAAS companies
1 3.5%
2 7.5%
3 34%
4 27.5%
5 9%
Pricing Based on Custom  Plan 18.5%


Nearly four-in-five SAAS companies are changing their pricing at least once per year, with most changing pricing multiple times

Only 31% of companies offer a small discount while 38% provide an occasional discount of 10-25%

SaaS companies estimate upto 11% increase in profit if they raised prices by only 1%

65.5% of SAAS companies surveyed offer free trial or demo, 12% have free plan offer and 12.5% offer both free trial/demo and free plan.


Free Trial Length %age of SaaS companies
7 Days 4%
10 Days 1%
14 Days 18%
30 Days 41%
45 Days 1%
60 Days 2%
180 Days 1%


Common Design Elements of SAAS Pricing Page


Design Elements %age of SaaS companies
Pricing at top section of page 79.5%
FAQs 51%
Feature Comparison Table 37%
Highlight Most Popular plans 25%
Customer testimonials 21.5%
Client logos 15%
Plan icons 12%


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Lisa Ross

Lisa Ross

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